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被浏览: 0次 2023年08月26日 05:13

I agree with the abolition of the death penalty, the advance of human civilization is the respect for life. God has given us life, no one the right to use unnatural means to terminate him, he's only natural right to life can be deprived! I hope that we can think to a deeper level. I think: the future of the civilized world, will be the absence of war, Human said the same language, and common progress, needs more developed, more civilized process.
The world there are still killings, there are wars, that human civilization itself is not enough. This is a long-term education process, takes time. Now we would like to see is progress, is not the end. Extremism can only change the way now, can not promote the process of human civilization. In a period of time, I have been considering this question: Will mankind since the organization by the United Nations General Assembly, that we recognize, is the "right to life" to board the stage of history now. So even now there are many shortcomings, we should overcome, but follow the human civilization to a higher road, not to hinder human development.
However, while I agree that the ultimate abolition of the death penalty, but now the realities of China may not be suitable for repeal, to violence governance violence can not solve all problems, as violent revolution, like many sequels, let us first take a look at which countries are in favour of the abolition of the , Which also supports the repeal, or can be more thought. Thank you, this is my personal view.你的内容还真不少,翻了很久~


The advance of human civilization is the respect for life. God has given us life, no one the right to use unnatural means to terminate him, he's only natural right to life can be deprived! I hope that we can think to a deeper level.
I think: the future of the civilized world, will be the absence of war, Human said the same language, and common progress, needs more developed, more civilized process.
The world there are still killings, there are wars, that human civilization itself is not enough. This is a long-term education process, takes time. Now we want to see is progress, is not the end. Extremism can only change the way now, can not promote the process of human civilization.
In a period of time, I have been considering this question: Will mankind since the organization by the United Nations General Assembly, that we recognize, is the "right to life" to board the stage of history now. So even now there are many shortcomings, we should overcome, but follow the human civilization to a higher road, not to hinder human development. However, while I agree that the ultimate abolition of the death penalty, but now the realities of China may not be suitable for repeal, to violence governance violence can not solve all problems, as violent revolution, like many sequels, let us first take a look at which countries are in favour of the abolition of the , Which also supports the repeal, or can be more thought. Thank you, this is my personal view.


I approve of abolish the death penalty, the human culture progress respect the life. God bestows our life, everybody has no right to use the non-natural method to terminate him, his life power only then may eliminate naturally! I hoped that everybody can think toward a deeper level. I thought: Future civilized world, will not have the war, the humanity saying that the identical language, progresses together, the demand is more developed, more civilized process. the world also exists slaughters, the existence war, shows the human oneself also insufficient civilization. This is a long-term education process, requires the time. Now we hoped saw what is the progress, but is not the end. The violent way can only change present, is unable to promote the human culture process. in period of time, I on has been considering this question: Now the humanity organizes the United Nations General Assembly, since proposed, explained that we realized, was this “the life power” must step into the historical arena time. Therefore now has many malpractices, we should also overcome, but follows a human trend higher civilization the road, do not hinder humanity's development. But, although I approved that abolishes the death penalty finally, but present's Chinese reality is not possibly suitable to abolish, governs the storm by the storm not to be able to solve all problems, looks like the violent revolution to have many sequelae to be the same, which countries lets us first have a look at is the approval abolishes, which are also the support abolish, or may many ponders. Thanks, this is my viewpoint.